Project Status Amber Forest – February 24th, 2022

Author February 24, 2022April 25th, 2023

At the end of January we started the construction works for the first villas to be built in the first stage of Phase 1, of the complete suburb Amber Forest.

The building permits for the first stage of Phase I of the Amber Forest suburb were obtained in early December 2021.

The first villas are built with the construction company Britt Structures, which also has experience in building the Amber Gardens complex, that remains up to now the only project of luxury green villas in Romania, certified “Green Home” by RoGBC.

Amber Forest homes are the first homes in Romania that meet the NZEB energy standard, imposed by the European Union since 2021. Being energy efficient buildings, and at the same time quality, sustainable constructions that integrate state-of-the-art technologies and smart homes.

Please find below a brief status of the authorizations of the other stages and phases:

    • Phase 1, Stage 2 and 3:
      As for now, the urban planning certificates were obtained, as well as most of the approvals and studies required to be obtained from the responsible authorities, to prepare the file for the building permit.
    • Phase 1, Stage 4:
      A large part of the approvals of the standard utilities were obtained: water supply, sewerage – Water Canal Ilfov, electricity – Enel Muntenia, gas – Distrigaz Sud Networks.
      Part of the permits and agreements from the central public administrations: Permit from the Ilfov County Directorate for Culture; from ANIF / National Authority for Land Improvements; Most of the IPJ Ilfov and Transgaz approvals.
We are still working to obtain the other approvals.
      This process is also performed for all the apartments developed within the complex.
    • Phase 2: 
      The disassembly has been completed and the disassembly tabulation containing the cadastral numbers for all the lots of phase 2 has been received. The documentation for obtaining the urban planning certificates is being prepared.

    The building permit involves a complex set of other approvals, with over 20 offices and authorities being involved in obtaining these approvals. This process is repeated for each tranche of villas in each phase of the project, the Alesonor teams already working in parallel on the necessary documentation.

    Briefly, here are the steps that Alesonor goes through to obtain the building permits, for each stage and phase of the project:

    • Obtaining the PUZ, which establishes the general rules and regulations of the entire project: obtained in February 2021
    • Dismantling the lots
    • Obtaining the urban planning certificates, for each lot separately. Once obtained, the urban planning certificates contain the list of approvals and studies required to be obtained from the responsible authorities, before obtaining the building permit, among which:
      • standard utility permits: water supply, sewerage, electricity, gas, sanitation
      • approvals and agreements of the central public administration(Ilfov County Directorate for Culture; Romanian Civil Aviation Authority; MAPN; ANIF; National Administration ”Romanian Waters”; Transgaz; IPJ Ilfov)
      • In addition to these approvals, the standard stages were completed: the architectural projects, the structure and the installation projects were verified by authorized verifiers and the pre-evaluation of the work was carried out
      • Also, specialized studies were conducted: energy efficiency study; sunlight study; thermotechnical study; geotechnical study verified by the verifier
      • Extra, the point of view of the environmental authority was required – the environmental permit

    Being for the first time that a complete suburb is being built in Romania, a project of such magnitude and commitment to sustainability, environment, construction quality and attention to detail, the authorization process has been longer, and it is also amplified by the situation triggered by restrictions of the Covid crisis.